February 24, 2014
To-Do Lists ~*February 25th, 2014*~
~ Dishes
~ Vacuum
~ Clean off outside of fridge (cleaned the inside of it yesterday)
~ Set up an Eye Exam appointment for Samuel (he's constantly being too close to our TV. I'm constantly telling him to back up!)
~ Go through some of the magazines
~ Misc Pick-Up etc.
February 20, 2014
Weekend Plans
Friday : Guess where Mark and I are going?? Yep. We're gonna have a great worship night at RiverGlen and see Big Daddy Weave live.
So excited!!
Saturday : I'll be going to the library picking up / returning items.
Sunday : Church and then there is an evening prayer we'll be going to in the evening. We'll see what else. Probably chill at home.
February 19, 2014
To-Do List ~*February 19th, 2014*~
~ Dishes <-- done
~ Sweep & Mop Kitchen & Bathroom Floor <-- done
~ Clean off the outside of the kitchen cabinet doors <-- done
~ Clean tub <-- done
~ Put away some more laundry that got done yesterday <-- done
~ Make beds <-- done
~ Make dinner ; Bourbon Chicken, Rice, and Corn. <-- done
~ Try to workout for 15 minutes
February 18, 2014
To - Do List ~*February 18th, 2014*~
Okay, well, I didn't do anything yesterday really. I just felt like crap.
So today there will be a lot of catching up.
~ Putting away the clean ones, sorting the ones that still have to get washed
~ Dishes <-- done
~ Sweep & Mop Kitchen Floor
~ Clean off kitchen counters <-- done
~ Clean off bathroom tub
~ Misc Pick-up <-- doneFebruary 17, 2014
To-Do LIst ~*February 17th, 2014*~
I don't know what I'm all gonna get done today, cause I have a head cold. I feel ucky. Samuel is still with his auntie (he had a sleepover last night cause they are off of school today).
Try to get done list today :
~ Dishes
~ Put away some clean clothes
~ Dinner - Cheeseburgers and Corn
~ Straighten out the bathroom
~ Change the flower water from my flowers I got for V-day
and that's pretty much it..I have to wash the bed sheets so thats why there is no make the beds. Vacuumed yesterday, so the floors are pretty good still. All that's left is some cluttered areas, but I don't feel like working on those today. We went to the library yesterday and got some books. I'll probably do a haul picture of my stuff. We're suppose to get up to 7" of snow today, possibly more.. Bleh. I'm so done with winter this year!! I am one of those people that is countin down to spring. lol. At least it's above zero..I'll give the weather that..
A picture of the stuff hubby got me for v-day. :)
and what hubby got himself for v-day...
Sorry. The lighting sucks in our place, but it's a 120th Anniversary edition of the Gibson Les Paul guitar and a fender amp. :)
February 16, 2014
Weekly Plans 2/17/14 - 2/23/14
Monday : Samuel has off of school. It'll be movies, cleaning, reading, laundry. :)
Tuesday : Back to the normal. Cleaning.
Wednesday : Bible Study 6:30 - 8pm.
Thursday : Nothing?
Friday : Nothin planned.
Saturday : Idk.
Sunday : Church and then evening prayer.
Tuesday : Back to the normal. Cleaning.
Wednesday : Bible Study 6:30 - 8pm.
Thursday : Nothing?
Friday : Nothin planned.
Saturday : Idk.
Sunday : Church and then evening prayer.
February 13, 2014
To-Do List ~*February 13th, 2014*~
~ Little bit of dishes from yesterday
~ Dust
~ Vacuum
~ Wipe off kitchen counters
~ Clear off some refrigerator clutter
~ Clear off kitchen table
~ Make Beds
~ Pick / Drop Samuel off from school
February 12, 2014
To-Do LIst ~*February 12th, 2014*~
~ Dishes <-- done
~ Misc Pick-up from stuff yesterday <-- done
~ Vacuum bedrooms
~ Clean off the tub <-- done
~ Clean off the toilet
~ Work on V-day cards with Samuel <-- done
~ Bible study from 6:30 - 8pm <-- done
~ Drop / Pick up Samuel from School <-- done
~ Dust
~ Make Beds <-- done
added ; I cleaned off the top of the stove and the bathroom sink.
February 11, 2014
To-Do Lists ~*February 11th, 2014*~
~ Dishes <-- done
~ Finish putting clean clothes away <-- done
~ Vacuum <-- vacuumed living room, gotta do the two bedrooms tomorrow
~ Straighten out the bathroom <-- done
~ Wipe things down <-- done
~ Make Beds <-- done
~ Drop / Pick up Samuel from school <-- done
~ Pick up some Valentines day cards for Samuel. <-- done. I'm still like 3 short though. Erg. o.O
February 10, 2014
Weekly Plans 2/10 - 2/16/14
Monday : Cleaning / Organizing.
Tuesday : Cleaning. Pick up some Valentines Day things for Samuel's Class party on thursday.
Wednesday : Bible Study 6:30 - 8pm.
Thursday : Not sure.
Friday : Take Samuel to the Library V-Day Party. Samuel has off of school. His auntie and her boyfriend are taking Sam to dinner & a movie.
Saturday : Not sure.
Sunday : Church 9am - 12pm.
Tuesday : Cleaning. Pick up some Valentines Day things for Samuel's Class party on thursday.
Wednesday : Bible Study 6:30 - 8pm.
Thursday : Not sure.
Friday : Take Samuel to the Library V-Day Party. Samuel has off of school. His auntie and her boyfriend are taking Sam to dinner & a movie.
Saturday : Not sure.
Sunday : Church 9am - 12pm.
February 8, 2014
Weekend Plans
Friday : We stayed home and Mark had business job.
Saturday : Later this afternoon we'll take Samuel to Monkey Joe's and depending on how tired Mark is after, I'll take Samuel to the library. Hopefully get some wash in too?
Sunday : Church and then not sure what else we're doing.
Saturday : Later this afternoon we'll take Samuel to Monkey Joe's and depending on how tired Mark is after, I'll take Samuel to the library. Hopefully get some wash in too?
Sunday : Church and then not sure what else we're doing.
February 6, 2014
To-Do List *February 6th, 2014*
~ Print out a couple more V-day decorations and decorate a little bit
~ Few dishes <-- done
~ Vacuum living room <-- done
~ Wipe down entertainment center
~ Start going through the hallway closet (I started to work on a shelf yesterday, but had to put the stuff back cause Mark wanted me to work on something else for him)
~ Start on a couple of my books I got from the library
~ Make beds <-- done
Samuel has to finish cleaning his room today. He never worked on it before we went to church last night..so he has to do that before he can do anything else. It's a hot mess. o.O
February 4, 2014
To-Do List *February 4th, 2014*
~ Dishes from dinner last night <-- done
~ Vacuum living room
~ Sweep & Mop Kitchen Floor <-- done
~ Clean off the wood furniture <-- cleaned off the magazine / lamp stand one
~ Clean Mirrors <-- done
~ Make a batch of pizza dough in the bread machine
~ Put towels away (stuff I picked up from my mom's last night)
~ Make beds<-- done
~ Check out the library catalog online and request some items now that the cards are renewed <-- dibe
Samuel will be going to a lego land thing with his Auntie after school. So that'll be fun for him. :) <-- did
~ Vacuum living room
~ Sweep & Mop Kitchen Floor <-- done
~ Clean off the wood furniture <-- cleaned off the magazine / lamp stand one
~ Clean Mirrors <-- done
~ Make a batch of pizza dough in the bread machine
~ Put towels away (stuff I picked up from my mom's last night)
~ Make beds<-- done
~ Check out the library catalog online and request some items now that the cards are renewed <-- dibe
Samuel will be going to a lego land thing with his Auntie after school. So that'll be fun for him. :) <-- did
February 3, 2014
3 Things To Be Thankful For
February 3rd, 2014
1. Having a productive mind today, got tons done.
2. Being able to connect globally with sisters of the faith
3. Waking up this morning
1. Having a productive mind today, got tons done.
2. Being able to connect globally with sisters of the faith
3. Waking up this morning
Weekly Plans for 2/3 - 2/9
Monday : Library, cleaning, and just more cleaning..haha
Tuesday : Cleaning and I may go to this 10 week bible study thing at Weatherstone at 7pm.
Wednesday : Bible study
Thursday : Choir practice (maybe) , cleaning, and that's it.
Friday : Worship Service in the evening
Saturday : Nothing is planned yet
Sunday : Nothing is planned yet besides church in the morning.
To-Do List *February 3rd, 2014*
~ 2 to 3 loads of dishes (our garbage disposal is clogged up and we had to get a tool over the weekend that would help us wash dishes without using that, so I'll be catching up on that..plus I cleaned out the fridge over the weekend) <-- done
~ Putting away the clean clothes from when they got washed at the beginning of the weekend <-- done
~ Clearing the living room floor, couch, and sammy's bed for stuff to finally be cleaned later <-- done
~ Stop through the library and renew our library card <-- done
~ pick up my load of towels that we still need from my mom's <-- done
~ Finish putting groceries away (all the non-cold stuff I left out while we left to hang out at the in-laws for the superbowl, it was crazy busy yesterday! o.O) <-- done
~ Catch up a little bit on my devotion
~ Putting away the clean clothes from when they got washed at the beginning of the weekend <-- done
~ Clearing the living room floor, couch, and sammy's bed for stuff to finally be cleaned later <-- done
~ Stop through the library and renew our library card <-- done
~ pick up my load of towels that we still need from my mom's <-- done
~ Finish putting groceries away (all the non-cold stuff I left out while we left to hang out at the in-laws for the superbowl, it was crazy busy yesterday! o.O) <-- done
~ Catch up a little bit on my devotion
February 2, 2014
3 things to be thankful for
I think I'm gonna go along with this too. A couple of my friends are doing the 3 things to be thankful for for the rest of the year. So you'll probably see this daily. :)
February 1st, 2014
1. Thankful for Date night
2. Thankful for a wonderful tea breakfast gathering I went to
3. Thankful for Godparents who took Samuel for the day.
February 2nd, 2014
1. Thankful for Worship & Praise
2. Thankful to share the word at an assistant living facility
3. Thankful to complete 90% of my grocery shopping
February 1st, 2014
1. Thankful for Date night
2. Thankful for a wonderful tea breakfast gathering I went to
3. Thankful for Godparents who took Samuel for the day.
February 2nd, 2014
1. Thankful for Worship & Praise
2. Thankful to share the word at an assistant living facility
3. Thankful to complete 90% of my grocery shopping
February 1, 2014
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